in Fairmont


Fairmont Murals

There are many murals in Fairmont to check out! Downtown you will find unique artwork designed to beautify and promote our community.  Whether on Downtown Plaza, a downtown side street, a doorway, or an alley you will see murals & statues perfect for a photo-op.

Downtown Art Mural – This community-based mural was sponsored by the Red Rock Center for the Arts. Designed and overseen by Nancy Katzer, numerous community members assisted by painting this popular attraction.  This mural truly celebrates the arts of our community!

Downtown Fairmont’s Interactive Mural – Sponsored by Imagine Martin, designed by Denise Rouse with artwork by Kim Koppen this mural spotlights the retail businesses and points of interest throughout Downtown Fairmont!

Be your own kind of beautiful Mural – Visit the butterfly mural in downtown Fairmont for the perfect photo op. Created by Indulge & Co.

For more information, check out Downtown Fairmont’s Website!

If you love the Fairmont murals, check out the Hog Gone Wild Project!


Fairmont Murals


87 Downtown Plaza
Fairmont, MN 56031

Stay in Fairmont

Stay In

Let the hospitality in Fairmont welcome you! Just off Interstate-90, you’ll find a wide selection of hotels and restaurants. Perhaps a more rustic stay at a cabin or camping near the lake is more your style – we’ve got you covered.

Find a place to stay

Area Visitor’s Guide

Check out the Fairmont Area Visitor’s Guide online for tips and insights to exploring our area. Or, we can mail one to you!

323 East Blue Earth Avenue
P.O. Box 976
Fairmont, MN 56031


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