Why Are There Pig Statues
All Over Fairmont?

Pig Statue in Fairmont, Going Hog Wild in Martin County

Why Are There Pig Statues All Over Fairmont?

You’ll notice pig statues scattered throughout the town when you visit Fairmont. But they’re not just in Fairmont—these quirky statues can be found all across Martin County!

Family posing infront of a pig Statue finding all the Going Hog Wild pigs in Fairmont

Going Hog Wild

Martin County is the largest pork-producing county in Minnesota, and to represent the agriculture industry, Jeff Rouse developed Going Hog Wild in Martin County. This project spotlights our businesses and organizations, features our local artists, and honors our pork industry through multiple concrete hog statues as an attraction for tourists, visitors, and the citizens of our community.

Friends looking at the Going Hog Wild Checklist

Can you Find All 101 Pig Statues?

These concrete hog statues are a fun and interactive way to explore Martin County. The locations can vary between downtown Fairmont to the surrounding rural areas.

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Screenshot of youtube video of CBS National News featuring the Going Hog Wild Story

In the News!

This story was featured on CBS National News! This story spotlights the Going Hog Wild in Martin County project and its celebration of the county’s pork industry.

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Stay in Fairmont

Stay In

Let the hospitality in Fairmont welcome you! Just off Interstate-90, you’ll find a wide selection of hotels and restaurants. Perhaps a more rustic stay at a cabin or camping near the lake is more your style – we’ve got you covered.

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Area Visitor’s Guide

Check out the Fairmont Area Visitor’s Guide online for tips and insights to exploring our area. Or, we can mail one to you!

323 East Blue Earth Avenue
P.O. Box 976
Fairmont, MN 56031


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